Wednesday, June 1, 2011

If I cannot least these coupons can

I am so excited about the new project myself and several coworkers are partaking in! We are collecting all of the expired coupons we can get our hands on and sending them to an overseas military base. We as a group were able to pick out the base we would like to adopt and begin sending as many coupons as we can stuff into a mailer! Cindy has a nephew that is in the Air Force in Japan, so that is our base!

Here is our first attempt! Interested in helping? We would love for all couponers to donate their expired coupons; military families are able to use these up to 6 months after the expiration date! What a help that can be in the PX for various families!

Stuffed envelopes....
Ready for the Post Office...
Just a peek into one...
Just a small sample of our coupon pile before sorting...

Grand total: $3,084.89

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